Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 2, 2008 Almost ready!

It's a week away -- my day! I'm so excited. I do have to go back and change up my list a little bit. I have many trips and things that aren't just a stretch time-wise, but money-wise. One of our family goals is to see ourselves out of debt and that will happen with all but the house, the car and the student loan by December of 2009 as long as we stay on track. So I want to change out a few of my trips and replace them with other things. I like someone else's idea of having about 10 alternative goals for life happening and not being able to do something for one reason or another. So I am off to update my list for the last time.

I have been making scripture reading a real part of my day (not just a cursory chapter to check off my list) in the last few months, so that it has become a wonderful habit that I look forward to and rarely miss anymore. That will help me to get through the Bible (#1) as planned. But I've also discovered that I have this deep love for the Book of Mormon (okay, actually I already KNEW that, but didn't realize how much I'd miss reading THAT if I was ONLY reading the Old Testament... ) so I have to figure TWO times into my day to read so I can read from both.

Had a hard time coming up with the old classic movies list I want to see... and have discovered without a specific time to sit and watch movies (which we were trying to get away from over finals time for the kids) that I don't crochet at all! There is a lot of crocheting on my list and quite the list of movies, too, so they will go hand in hand.

I'm sure my list of books is much too long. Count of Monte Cristo and Book of Mormon in French will be quite an undertaking on their own, and then I have the entire list of Newbery! I think I will mark it to 10 for this go-round.

My kids are all excited for my Harry Potter movie-thon when #7 comes out.

Oh joy. And now that I re-read my list of traveling... they are all in Arizona except for San Diego, Disneyland and the beach -- and that's one trip anyway. Can't do Disneyland without hitting the beach and vice versa! And Matt and I are planning on San Diego for our 20th anniversary next year, so I think we'll make it all happen anyway! What a lovely realization!

I just love my list!

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